Converting Rental Apartments Into Condos

Is there any reason/issues why an apartment building cannot be converted into condominiums for resale? Anyone have any experience with this? Are there any zoning or code issues that could come into play? This is in the city of San Antonio. Thanks in advance.[ Edited by ahartnett on Date 02/08/2005 ]


  • ZinOrganization8th February, 2005

    theres numerous issues that can come up, someone whos done this before can probably explain better then me, but theres issues with rent controlled tennants with long leases and having to have the building vacant of all tennants. small crap that can turn in piles of s$%t

    i know there was a pretty good post on condo conversions a couple pages back, check it out. woodsong probably has the best advice on this out here. i dont know how many big wheelers and dealers are on here who do major conversions.

    thats the link to the post, which was right under your nose.[ Edited by ZinOrganization on Date 02/08/2005 ]

  • CharlieTango10th February, 2005

    [ Edited by CharlieTango on Date 02/14/2005 ]

  • CharlieTango10th February, 2005

    [ Edited by CharlieTango on Date 02/14/2005 ]

  • ZinOrganization12th February, 2005

    offer to work for free in exchange for knowledge. i dont think they can teach you how to become a developer in shcool. may not sound appealing but if its what you want to learn then you might have to make the sacrifice. or just go out there and do it yourself.

  • stbomb1514th February, 2005

    Well actually I just had lunch with my friends mom. She gave me 4 developers to talk to. One of them is definitely hiring for interns. So that is good.

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