Convert Forums To VBulletin

I dabble with web design from time to time & This site would be a PRIME candidate to be migrated into a VBulletin Board ( Add on a front end and this thing would have every feature under the sun for very little money.

It would be cake for you guys to convert the database. The subscribing to thread features, members area, browser back end handling, and millions off FREE add-on scripts @ it should be something to consider. I think the members would enjoy its features.

Just my 2 cents with interest worth.

My complete site is running Vbulletin @[ Edited by allhandl on Date 11/26/2004 ]


  • InActive_Account27th November, 2004

    I like TCI the way it is.

  • allhandl28th December, 2004

    I wasnt trying to insult the site thre are just some uniue features VB offers, like PM notification & continuous subscriptions to threads and a whole lot more.

    It was just something to kick around

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