Contractor Of Home Inspector

I just got started in rehabbing. To get accurate estimates before making an offer do I need to have both a home inspector and a contractor look at the property?


  • Tedjr2nd December, 2003

    Really depends on how bad the property is. I have bought buildings and remodeled them that were scheduled for demo. To hire an inspector would have been foolish as it needed everything. If the house is pretty much livable I would go ahead and hire an inspector. They are good at finding all kinds of small problems that may be overlooked by a contractor. Contractors like punch lists to work from and few will come and do the inspection for you unless they are your friend or get paid.


    Hope this helps some

    Ted Jr

  • Birddog12nd December, 2003

    I'd say just a contractor. They would beyour best bet as far as an estimate.

  • concrete2nd December, 2003

    My opinion: Depends on if the work is required to pass inspection before being approved. If so, the contractor cannot be sure what the inspector will require, as I've had them require work done to other parts of the house not being worked on to bring it up to their specifications. Some areas require work to be inspected and passed. Others allow homeowners to be responsible for the repairs, if work doesn't require liscensure, without an inspection (e.g., outside city limits and police jurisdictions, sometimes). Each house would require an investigation as to restrictions before deciding which route to go.


  • Stockpro992nd December, 2003

    buy the book by Kevin meyers and that will answer a lot of questions.

    YOu can go through the house and check the plumbing etc. do all the faucets work let the water run for a long while in the bathroom and make sure that the plumbing is ok.
    test each outlet etc.
    The home inspector is the expensive guy that couldn't make it as a contractor and has to justify his 300-$400 by finding faults.
    The contractor should be able to spot the big problems, and you could pay them ($50) to spend an hour looking through the property and looking for the big stuff which they could then give you a bid on and help you in your persentation.
    As you do more projects your experience will increase and you will be able to spot a lot on your own.
    IF you have specific questionsPM me

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