Contractor Blues-best Way To Sue For Damages?

I have successfully bought and sold my first property. The only problem is , the contractor that we hired for the rehab has deserted the job, and this is preventing me being able to close the deal because I cant cant sell an unfinished home to a buyer when yhe purchase agreement they signed is for a completed home. My ultimate question are-

1. what is the best legal way to approach the situation?

2.The contractor took all the materials off the work site, so that even if we must hire a new contractor, we will have to purchas the materials again. Can I include this in the damages?

3. Can I attempt to charge the contractor a per day deim for each day he has aprevented us from closing the loan?

4. And do I need to obtain counsel to do all this?

Any feedback will be helpful-jerin


  • jimandlacy27th November, 2005

    jerin -

    You need the best experienced RE attorney in the county where the house is located. It will be worth the money.


  • getitqwik27th November, 2005


    "I have successfully bought and sold my first property."

    NO, it appears you have successfully bought a property only. A successful sale would involve a closing. IMHO

  • jerin27th November, 2005

    i do apologize-thanks for the feedback. Correction to the original post-I have successfully purchased my first property, and have a signed purchase contract from a ready willing and qualified buyer, but due to the fact that the contractor decided to leave the state , i will not be able to close on the purchase on Wednsday as planned, unless the buyer is agreeable to living in an unfinished home, which is not what she signed the purchase agreement www.for.I guess the question of this long winded tale is,...any suggestions on how i can recoop any of the expenses of having to hire a new contractor-hope that clarifies everything

  • jerin27th November, 2005

    thank you-

  • Ronald87030th November, 2005

    I am curious if the contractor gave you a reason for leaving and taking materials that you purchased? How much work is left to do on the property?

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