
I was just wondering when i go a house to get the seller to sign a contract.. do i have to go threw all the numbers on the contract or i just fill out the address and let the them sign it?



  • focusonmoney4th December, 2004

    first let me say thanks for your reply...but i understand that part about not signing nothing blank.. i was really trying to find out do i have read all the number 1-22 on the contract with the seller before they sign it? or can i skip some parts of the contract and just read the most important parts in the contract?


  • JohnMerchant4th December, 2004

    Focus, if I were you I'd enlist a RE Agent to help you through the first one or two deals, with the understanding that person will prepare the paperwork for you.

    Basically, it's a big mistake for anything you sign not to be filled out EXACTLY like it should be for YOU, and since you apparently don't undeerstand every piece and part of your RE contract, it's a big mistake for you to try to do it alone.

  • focusonmoney4th December, 2004

    So can i bring the seller to my attorneys office so they can help me fill out the contract?

  • JohnMichael4th December, 2004

    You need to have the following in your purchase contract completed to avoid any problems in the legality of your agreement:

    The full legal description of the property (should include street address).
    The length of time the offer is valid.
    The projected closing date.
    The owner's and seller's name(s).
    The names to appear on the Deed.
    The purchase price.
    The name of the person or agency that will be holding the earnest money.
    The financing details.
    A detailed description of the items each of the parties has agreed to pay for as conditions of the sale.
    Title warranty.
    The inspection contingency.
    The damage clause (spells out who is responsible for any damage to the house while under contract).
    The default statement (if buyer backs out of the deal, the seller keeps the earnest money).
    Other stipulations or items clause (lists any verbal agreements between the buyer and seller).
    Signatures and date.

  • JohnMichael5th December, 2004

    On 2004-12-04 13:14, focusonmoney wrote:
    So can i bring the seller to my attorneys office so they can help me fill out the contract?

    Yes you can.

  • Cuzy7th December, 2004

    Hi JohnMichael, what else do you need besides the contract? Like a Quick Deed or something? Please advise....

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