Contract To Be Sent To Lender In CA


When you buy houses from owners in default in CA, you use Equity Purchase Agreement to satisfy CC1695.

Do you use that as a part of short sale package to lenders? I am wondering if this form might look funny to the lenders not in CA.

Thank you very much


  • whyK-CA24th January, 2005

    Hi reinatalie.

    Thank you for your reply.

    Your right, I was asking myself about the same thing (why use Equity Purchase Agreement, when there is no equity to purchase?), but with or without equity, you still have to comply with CC 1695 if the owner is in default and living in the house. EPA is made for 1695 compliance.

    “We used a purchase agreement for properties in foreclosure. The difference is it includes 5 day cancellation period.”

    Are you saying that you used regular purchase agreement and modified it?

    Thank you very much in advance.

  • whyK-CA24th January, 2005

    Thank you.

    I just realized that I can not send PM, cause I am not paying monthly fee. (What else do I get by paying the fee....)

    Anyhow, here is my e-mail address:
    nmfml - at- hotmail -dot- com

    I appreciate it.
    Thanks again.

  • reinatalie25th January, 2005

    You are welcome, I sent the contract.

  • GR8RealEstate25th January, 2005

    Hi whyK-CA,

    Will you please email me a copy of the purchase agreement that reinatalie emailed to you? Thanks!!
    [ Edited by GR8RealEstate on Date 01/25/2005 ]

  • MIKKI25th January, 2005

    Hi reinatalie,
    Could you please e-mail me a copy of the, sales contract for forclosures, also? My e-mail is **Please See My Profile**, Thanks--

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