Contact Numbers For Lenders (Wachovia)

I am looking for contact information on Wachovia but if some one has a contact list for the lenders it would be a BIG help to me and other. Also anyone had success with Wachovia?? I did a search on TCI and came up with nothing.

Thanks, Kirk
[ Edited by captkirk on Date 03/31/2004 ]


  • TheShortSalePro31st March, 2004

    Since Wachovia (like most mortgage loan servicers) services many types of mortgage loans for many different portfolio investors... to find the office and department responsible for your particular loan you should respond to the name/department on the last preforeclosure letter sent by the mortgagee to the Homeowner... The letter will certainly provide telephone numbers, and may even offer a contact name...

  • captkirk31st March, 2004

    Thanks SSP. The owners have not had communication with the bank for awhile. I got lucky and found them. I'm stuck starting with the attorney and working from there.
    note: I did talk to GB about the other property and they are INSURED! So they won't discount.

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