...conduct Your Own Foreclosure Sale

Anyone ever sent out their own notice of default to foreclose on a 2nd mortgage, and then conduct your own foreclosure sale according to State regs?


  • edmeyer9th June, 2005

    Nevada is a trust deed state. Would you appoint yourself as trustee and conduct the sale yourself? Why would you want to do this?

  • edmeyer9th June, 2005

    You are not thinking of conducting the sale in your back yard ( a well known public place) with some of your friends invited over to "bid" so you get the property-- are you?[ Edited by edmeyer on Date 06/09/2005 ]

  • 4KASH10th June, 2005

    My attorney has already filed a case in district court with eight causes of action against the defendant (this is the lessor that’s trying to backing out of a sandwich lease purchase deal, I am the leasee who has my sub tenant in the property). I’ve heard from two attorneys here that you can send the owner a NOD and then a NTS and proceed as if you are going to conduct your own trustee sale. So I’m talking about a performance mortgage/deed of trust. I’m just looking for other ways to legally get his attention and expedite the situation. I know that if I had a recorded lease purchase agreement, recorded performance deed of trust, and a pending breech of contract case filed regarding my property, a NOD on top of it would definitely get my attention.

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