Condemned Homes

Does any one know of a place on the internet that I could find a list of Condemned homes that I might wholesale?


  • investorB28th July, 2003

    I've never seen such a place on the web (though there might be).

    If you can get out and look around, you'll see them on the streets pretty easily. In my part of the country, they put big 8.5 x 11 orange stickers on the door, with info about who to call regarding the property.

  • InActive_Account28th July, 2003

    Call your local tax assessor's office. They will direct you. Some cities have it on their tax assessor's website. Where I live, it is posted monthly at the tax assessor's website. Hope this will help you out.

  • Sash28th July, 2003

    Richburg, where do you live?


  • hrash29th July, 2003

    contact the County Code Enforcement office and they should be able to fax you a listing. Remember that there are ton of people doing the same and any left overs are the ones with tough owners to find.

  • mgolden6229th July, 2003

    Not sure about condemned houses but my company specializes in wholesaling foreclosed properties in Detroit. I currently have over 50 of them in all ranges if you are interested in a free list, email me at **Please See My Profile**

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