Condemed Properties

Do any of you guys out there do any deals with condemed properties? Can they be good deals or are they not worth the hassel? How do you go about setting up a deal on a condemed house? Thanks for any info.


  • captkirk14th October, 2004

    I too am interested in condemed property. After the 3 hurricanes there are more than a few with flood damage. I see you have had no replys... Have you learned anything on your own?

  • CCROSS14th October, 2004

    Me 2 I have a list of over 600 in one county. Any new news?

  • JohnMichael14th October, 2004

    Depends upon the subject properties current value and the future value after repairs.

    Owners of condemned properties normally must apply for and obtain a code compliance inspection before obtaining a building permit to rehab the property.

    A certificate of code compliance is necessary before a condemned building can be occupied in most areas.

    To sell a boarded condemned property normally a valid code compliance inspection report is required. The owner must have a Code Compliance Inspection before the property is shown. The code compliance inspection report (orders) must be available for potential buyers to read.

  • shamund14th October, 2004


    I have been searching endlessly for any such list but have been told that there is no list for these types of props. Please enlighten us as to where you were able to obtain this info.


  • JohnMichael14th October, 2004

    You can get a list of condemned properties from what is called code enforcement usually in the city hall or court room, usually in the same office as the city and planning office.

    They protect the health, safety, and welfare of citizens and Preserves the beauty of a city.

  • reeldeal15th October, 2004

    What happens if the inspection goes awry?

    My assumption would be that the city would place a lien on the property for the amount totalling the necessary repairs. I've read that it's possible to stipulate in the purchase contract that the seller must make the necessary repairs in order for the transaction to close. However, I'm sure details are negotiable.

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