Commercial Property Real Estate Attrorney Atlanta Georgia

can anyone recommend a competent and honest commercial real estate attorney in atlanta, georgia?



  • haynesm18th September, 2008

    try Spiva Law Group Howard Spiva see if they would give you a reference. Mention you know of him from the Magic bullets forum . google to get contact info

  • rglover54820th September, 2008

    duhh...u tell them to pay you $200/month of move the trailer in 60 days.

    Pretty simple, but moving a MH is difficult, id bet you will start collecting lot rent soon.

  • adawn20th September, 2008

    In a perfect world they would pay lot rent but if not, what then?

  • cjmazur20th September, 2008

    check what the state laws car.

    For a foreclosure CA just changed the eviction period to 60 from 30 days.

  • haynesm21st September, 2008

    A lot of thers answers would depend on whate state you are in.

    One thing you can do is go visit with the tenants. Be nice, polite, courteous, and get to know them. Find out what activities they like to do. Baseball games, hockey, basketball, etc. Then if they don’t pay you the lot rent buy them a ticket to their favorite event, (that last at least four hours) and while they are gone have the movers come and move the trailer. Simple. By the way, are you allowed visitors in your state?

  • haynesm7th October, 2008

    Teod-101 wrote
    “At our last annual tax sale, I noticed that a ton of banks were letting homes/property they had foreclosed upon sell at the tax sale. I would like to know your thoughts on why this may be”

    Could be lots of reasons that we common folk will never know. As was suggested the bank might think they might sell the properties and THEN could redeem and pay the taxes. I’ve heard other people say tax sales are the best interest you can get. Let other people pay your taxes, you use your money for the year then redeem at end of year. Could be they just went to sleep (didn’t pay attention) and will redeem them when they wake up at end of the year. Then again if they are sleeping soundly maybe not redeem. Happened to me. I got the tax certificate for just under 3K and the Bank who lost it gave me 25K to get it back 14 months later. If you’re interested in the properties now is the time to talk to the bank if you didn’t purchase the certificates at the sale. Also as mentioned, maybe its cheaper for the bank to just get rid of the properties. Who knows what the bank is thinking (if they are)

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