Cold Calling Landlords

Has anyone had success calling landlords to sell their property? I know the best way is to call when the rent sign is up for the property, but what about when the house/apt is fully rented? Any one ever had luck this route?

[ Edited by d_random on Date 04/29/2006 ]


  • charlotteinvestor30th April, 2006

    If you call on landlords that have renters already. Your chances of getting a deal is very slim. A lot of people that have occupied rentals are looking for cash flow. but you might find a landlord that is willing to sell a property that has problem tenants. At that point people are just giving away headaches.

    But you might end up getting some good leads, because some people are looking to change their books.

  • d_random30th April, 2006

    "...chnaging their books?"
    Forgive my ignorance, what does that mean?

  • charlotteinvestor16th May, 2006

    Looking to liquidate.

  • IBuyHousesInc6th December, 2005

    Keep in mind people don’t like to move Christmas Trees so it will be slow this time of year.. And if it is cold where you are that will not help either...

    Historically there have been only three things that cause a house to sell and they are. Price, condition and location.. And from the price standpoint, which also includes how much you are paying to sell the home i.e. commissions and buyer costs.

    I can run comps on any house in the USA so If you give me the address and county I will run my comps for you and see if it is the price that you’re dealing with or something else.

    Other than that, remember it only takes one person to sell a house so keep plugging away...

    Then you could always include a Corvette in the sale

  • goldstuff0006th December, 2005

    tell you what we do to keep buyers rollin in...we have Bandit Signs that say this "Welcome Home! Cant get a Loan? Rent to Own!" and then our 24 hour phone number and they leave their info....they leave how much monthly they can afford..down payment...etc...we call back and take some folks that dont THINK they can get a loan and get them financed conventionally. some people think their credit is worse than it is....even if they can only get 90 -95% loan you can do a carryback and just raise the price so you get all your money first i was skeptical if those signs would work because of the wording but they are strong and pull in leads all week every week...

    but once you call them back get their email or fax and have them do an app then forward that to your mortgage guy/gal...with my experience ads in the paper dont work that good bandit signs are where its at in high traffic places...tell you what order 10 signs with those words and put them in high traffic areas, set up a dedicated phone line with voice mail telling them to leave how much then can afford monthly,,how much cash they have down etc and let me know how that works for ya...its still working for us!!

  • ZinOrganization6th December, 2005

    If the house is on a main st. you could put a giant banner up across the house saying "Rent to own" or "Owner Financing"

    That will definetly get peoples attention.

  • SilverMoon6th December, 2005

    Maybe $Cash$ would be kind enough to tell his story about selling houses at Christmas and Corvettes?

  • charlotteinvestor16th May, 2006

    Maybe try a few different signs in your yard.

  • charlotteinvestor16th May, 2006

    Well you have to determine what kind of investors you want. If you want property investors that by at a certain percentage, then place an ad in the paper, saying that you come across plenty of properties. If you want in on some of the best deals, then call me to get on my email list.

    This might be the cheapest way. Run the ad for a minimum of one month.

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