Cold Call Advice?

I was wondering if anyone could give me an example of what they say when making a cold call. I have written up a few different outlines to use and haven't had much luck in doing so. Any input would be appreciated.


  • bgrossnickle7th November, 2004

    who are you calling? what is your target customer? and what are you trying to sell them?


  • anolimitsky7th November, 2004

    no specific advice, except... What you lack in skill you can make up in numbers!

    calling is just a numbers game. smile

  • commercialking7th November, 2004

    In the real estate biz cold calling is mostly about listening. Don't worry too much about having a script. A script works well when you know what you want the other person to do (buy some specific product, for example) but less well when you just want to understand what their concerns and desires are.

    Do you know why God gave you two ears and only one mouth? Because he wants you to listen twice as much as you talk.

    Early contact with prospects is mostly about not talking. Listen to what they want, what they wish to accomplish. I often go away at that point saying that I must think about what they have said. Sometimes I come back two or three or four times with questions before I make a single suggestion.

    This works well for me. By the time I do make a suggestion I have built some credibility as a person trying to understand the prospects goals and desires and attempting to meet those goals in some way.

    If you do this right your relationship to the prospect is transformed. You go from being the shyster trying to sell them something to the consultant who's advice they are seeking out to help them solve some problem.

    You might try reading some books on negotiating technique, I actually find them more helpful than "selling" books.

  • norrist7th November, 2004


    This is the best summary I have seen to answer the question. WE always preach to our people to be more "advisors" than "salespeople"...Thanks!
    Tim[ Edited by norrist on Date 11/07/2004 ]

  • brian4328th November, 2004

    bggrossnickle, i am calling to offer my services to people in preforeclosure. I tell them that i have noticed there is a judgement placed upon their house and that im from a small company who specializes in purchasing homes from people in the foreclosure process. I have developed a decent approach to talking to them but i have made many calls and haven't had any potential deals. I'm just curious of what other people were doing.

  • bgrossnickle9th November, 2004

    How many days after they get served do you call them. Are you the first or the 15th to call.

    How many people are you attempting to contact a week. How many calls do you make to find that person - relatives, neighbors, etc.? One you make contact, do you followup every week to see how it is going?


  • ryand11th November, 2004

    so you say just listen. okay, so i will start calling people and say hi and listen to them? 1. they prob. wont say anything and 2. they will prob. hang up. i think all he was looking for was somehting you would say right off the bat. obviously you have to listen to them so you know what you can offer but what is the best way to approach the conversation? thanks,[ Edited by ryand on Date 11/14/2004 ]

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