Code Enforcement

I got a tenant that is trying to break year rental lease. She keeps calling code enforcement out to apartment about issues. Plumbing, pest , mold issues. I have took care of every issue with professional service people.

The Tenant is a Sec 8/Grafa Tenant, she will not call me and tell me about any problems with the apartment. She calls down to Code enforcement and the are calling me now about a plumbing issue again. I think she has caused a problem with the plumbing herself. Code enforcement called me and told me about it. But code enforcement has not been back out to look at her reported problem.

What shall I do? Have code enforcement go out and look at problem and then contact me. The tenant is made I will not let her out the lease and she is trying to find problems to cost me more money.

Also what can I tell Code enforcement about coming to my property every time she calls. I was told Code enforcement does not even look at Section 8/Grafa properties, but because she was calling so much they went to check the property. What shall I do? Her lease is almost up.


  • cjmazur22nd May, 2010

    Supposedly the tenant can get kicked out of the section 8 program. I would worry a little about them sue in me...

    But if you have documentation, police reports, dates, tim, what the damage cost you should be fine..

  • joel31st May, 2010

    I hear ya.

    I think it is going to be really difficult to manage every unit, perform showings, etc. and provide your tenants with the quality unit they deserve just by yourself.

    If you are in a bad area, you might have lots of showings that just eat up your time. Something to think about.

  • finniganps1st June, 2010

    Do you do this full time, or do you also have a full time job? If you also have a full time job, I think it would be very difficult to manage that many units without dropping quality.

  • michiganpropertylink1st June, 2010

    Thank you for your responses. I do this on the side with a full time job so I my question then would be...How many units do you think are manageable while having a full time job?

  • ITBInvestor10th June, 2010

    At 5 properties, maybe this is overkill... but look into tenant Pro ( as a possible solution.

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