Closing Without A Title Company

How is real property bought and sold without having to use a title company in
the state of Arizona?
No, I am not too cheap to pay the fees, but rather frustrated at having to wait eight weeks for a parcel of land to change hands. There must be a better way! Any suggestions?
Thanks confused


  • DecisionMan5th January, 2004

    I guess you do your own title research at the courthouse, write up your own purchase contract and mortgage/notes, and record your closed transaction, and hope you're right.

  • InActive_Account6th January, 2004

    In many cases, it's the closing date that holds things up. Many Title companies like to close as many loans as they can on the same date.

    if you got a title Search only done, the rest you could do yourself.

  • Lufos6th January, 2004

    My first car was a Model T Ford which I purchased at age 12 for $10. I had to walk to the front of the car, bend down over the radiator and crank it to get it started. I don't do that anymore.

    In the old days prior to title insurance you paid an attorney or some other hanger on at the court house to do a search for you and give you an Opinion on Title. This was called Abstracting and I count it among my early jobs. Also aged 12.

    You may if you like go back in time and do your own thing.

    You go to the Hall of Records or wherever deeds are recorded and you Search the Grantee/Grantor index. if it is a Grant Deed State. You then write down who owns it and when they went into title and the type of deed that passed title. You then examine the legal description and go backwards and list all of the goodies still outstanding against title, Mortgages/Trust Deeds, you might check for Full Reconvayances of past paid off mortgages/Trust Deeds.
    and then you go to the Court house and you look for any Liens or Judgements that you may have missed. You should if possible search newly recorded (one Day old) actions and then you record the Deed.

    If you are very clever or have a deeply suspicious nature. Then check the following day, just in case you missed one. Thats it. I would also take a Statement of Identification from the person who is giving you the deed. I would also if possible compare this document with the information in the notarys record book who did the notary on the deed. I would be sure to hang on to my receipt and date stamp which the nice person on the wicket will give you as they stamp the deed upon presentation for recordation.

    Congratulations, you have gone back in history. You are now an Abstractor....yeah that an a buck will buy you water.

    In days gone by some of the smaller and cheaper mortgage companies when recording small amount mortgages/trust deeds wouldl use this method. It is not perfect, but then if you have ever seen the night search crew of a title company well they are not too swift either.

    Those of you who buy Notice of Default Services that list all recorded and present Trust Deeds/Mortgages will note that sometimes you will still be noticing items that have been paid off and the title search team missed the Full Reconvayance. That gives your heart a flutter especialy if it is your note that you are researching.

    So do it the old and difficult way.

    I myself prefer to just call the title company, ask for a Preliminary Title Report, check it carefully. Record thy Deed and then tell the title company the transaction is canceled. If you are a good customer they will not charge you. If they think you are doing a naughty, they will charge your broker. Go Figure.

    Ex Abstractor Lucius

  • jpchapboy6th January, 2004

    I haven't done that but I think you should be able to. go to the assesors or recorders office and ask them how. they are usually helpful people. besides that's what they get paid for by your tax dollars. Also read what ever regulations, laws, and books they may have.

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