Closing On Florida House- Need To Evict Upon Closing

I am interested in knowing ( from Florida people only please) if I use the standard eviction method upon taking ownership or if there is a faster way to get the loosers out. By the way there is no existing lease.


  • kingmonkey1st April, 2004

    So I'm not from Florida but if there isn't a lease just tell them to get the hell out of your house. If they don't leave call the cops. They have no right to be there.


  • amfels071st April, 2004

    So you're the new owner of this place. Great!! IF there is no lease i agree to evict them but if you go all gun ho telling them to get the HELL OUT!! I'd be concerned about them trashing the place since you disrespected them... Be civilized and heck offer them some uhaul money for their troubles... This route might be cheaper than having to redo your walls... just my 2cents.

    Best of luck!!
    i recomend you reading John Locke's material on sub to. lots of great info[ Edited by amfels07 on Date 04/01/2004 ]

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