Close in 3 days

I have started out in Real Estate by flipping properties. I am slowly getting my name out, and have spoken to alot of nice people... Okay, (sob) I haven't succeeded at it yet!
I have been receiving offers on several properties, but after I get the Option signed by the seller, I have difficult finding buying sources. I've decided to stop and regroup, before I get the rep of not being able to fulfill the request!
Question: How can these guys who advertise, "I can close in three days, while juggling three meatballs on my tongue," actually do what they say they can do? What "type" of resources might they have that I haven't tapped into yet?
Maybe I should start advertising, "If I can't close in three days, at least you've made a friend!"
If it means anything, I am typing this while on my knees, begging for help!!!
Somebody please respond soon, this quicksand is starting to get into my mouth! surprised


  • rajwarrior12th May, 2003

    Well, there is really only about 3 ways that they can advertise "close in 3 days." One is they really can't. Two is they have a line of credit themselves, and three is, they already have a investor(s) in mind for the property.

    Also, keep in mind, those ads are teaser ads. They can close in 3 days if you sell them the house on terms at X price.

    Find your potential investors first, if you can. That way, you'll have an idea what your investor is looking for and won't waste your or his time with property that don't match up. Call all those close in 3 day ads, all the we buy houses ads. If you get a home under contract, run an ad something like, " Handyman Special, 3b/ 2ba, XXXX sq ft, ARV $XXXXX.XX, Sell for best offer."


  • JohnLocke12th May, 2003


    Glad to meet you.

    What type of investors are you dealing with?

    This would be my first question closing in three days is easy it just depends on what type of investing method is involved.

    However you tell me who you are dealing with.

    Welcome on board this board, sounds to me like you are talking to the wrong investors, the only sand you are receiving from these investors is going in a different orfice than the one you described, or often referred to as pounding sand.

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • Soon_2B_Rich12th May, 2003

    First of all let me say that I am no expert so this is only my advise.
    If you are have no trouble finding good deals to flip then you have solved the second half the problem. Congrats. However, I suggest, that you first place adds in papers and go on forum boards such as this one to find eager investors who have cash on hand. Then once you have a bunch of investors lined up, and you know what type of properties they seek, then and only then do you sign these contracts. Thus no risk of loosing your escrow money.

    good luck
    keep up the good work

    by the way, where are you located, maybe i could toss some investors your direction.


  • imagemkay13th May, 2003

    Ahhhh! I see...
    Hey everyone! Thankyou very much for your enlightenment! I allocated some time today, to begin again by lining up my investors, and then, finding out specifically, what they are looking for, as opposed to "Hey I have something you might be interested in!" Thanks you have no idea how that bit of info will help. Whew...(cough) my room is getting smokey with all this smoke I'm blowing!
    About five investors, who say they are investors, never contacted me back. I try to give them the benefit of the doubt...I get busy too.
    I am in Fort Worth Texas. My company is called: Avalon Investment Properties
    I currently, deal in single family homes, (not restricted in Texas) My business email is:
    Keep in touch...Later ya'll

  • imagemkay13th May, 2003

    OOPs! "Who was that masked man?!"
    My name is:
    Martin E. Wallace.
    Avalon Investment Properties
    You can call me "Marty"
    Thanks again!

  • rajwarrior13th May, 2003

    What you're really looking for is a CASH investor. One of the best ways to find them (at least around here) is to go to Estate sales where the property is auctioned, and foreclosure sales. These are the guys who buy with the green stuff, and these are frequently the only places that you will find them.

    Make sure that you bring plenty of business cards with you, and get the names of everyone who places a bid.

    Good luck


  • imagemkay14th May, 2003

    Hey Rajwarrior!
    Thanks for the tip! Never been to an estate or foreclosure sale before. Time to get networking! Thanks again!!!

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