Cleaning Terrazzo?

Anyone know of a good product or technique to remove stains/discoloration from terrazzo floors? I had the terrazzo in a rental stripped and refinished, but it could not get out all of the stains. The only other option was to grind and polish, much more expensive, but with no guarantee it would get the stains out if they were deep-set.


  • InActive_Account25th March, 2006

    try a local janitorial supply store. I recently used a product called 5x polishing powder and it really took out a lot of the rust stains from water damage. The product comes in a powder form, you add water to make a slurry on the floor and then hit it with a floor buffer using a buffing pad. You can also try steel wool pads for the polishing machine.

  • RonInAZ4th March, 2006

    If the 2k is a deal breaker then it is a deal breaker. Who needs / wants the 2k more? You or the seller?

  • IBuyHousesInc4th March, 2006

    let me jump in and say that if 2,000 is a deal breaker than the deal is too skinny to start with....

  • IBuyHousesInc4th March, 2006

    You’re right more times than not it isn’t about money but letting someone win....

    Rather than suggest to them the meeting in the middle get it to be their idea by asking this question...

    I want to buy your property and I know you want to sell your property, and we are at a stale mate, what do you think will be fair for both of us? Then stop talking and wait for their answer…

    You could also substitute the 2000 for a material item that you may own or buy for them... That cost less than 2000.00

    I know its weird but people at times cant figure out how to do this or that... they may need the 2000.00 dollars to hire the moving truck... What if you had your guys help them move?


  • BBagnall4th March, 2006

    I agree with IBUY. You are obviously already crunching numbers and they are coming out close. You have to plan for the unexpected.

  • estateXchange5th March, 2006

    You could also substitute the 2000 for a material item that you may own or buy for them... That cost less than 2000.00

    I know its weird but people at times cant figure out how to do this or that... they may need the 2000.00 dollars to hire the moving truck... What if you had your guys help them move?

    In negotiating, you have to remember that you never give anything for free. If they need the $2,000 for something, try to find "exactly" what it is for. If it is for the realtor commission, did you use a realtor to find the condo? If not, then negotiate with the realtor because he/she is getting the 6% listing/buying fee. If it is something else, find out what it is. If you do give them the $2,000, though, make sure you get something back for it. Have them leave an appliance they were going to take or something along that line. You can change the closing date for a month later and have them move out so you can start repairs now, getting one month of free finance charges. Get creative, just make sure you give and receive.

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