Class 9 On 20 Unit!

Found 20 Units in need of major repairs and was told about getting Class 9 certified for repairs! Does anyone have any comments or experience in the Class 9 arena?


  • commercialking29th November, 2004

    Is this the Class 9 property tax relief program you are talking about? Probably the reason for no responses is that this is a Cook County IL only program.

    Information is available through the office of the cook county assessor (Mr. Houlihan) or the county collector (Mr. Orr).

    I looked at this program once, years ago when I still did apartments but at the time I was not that impressed. Struck me as more trouble than it was worth. On the other hand several people who I know and who's judgement I respect have used the program so it must be better than I thought.

    I haven't done an apartment renovation in 10 years, the program was new just about the time I got out of that end of the business so I have no personal experience.

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