Chicago Foreclosures
Can anyone in the Chicagoland area let me know of a good foreclosure website to obtain good info. There are so many that I am not quite sure if one is better than others. I greatly appreciate any assistance.
Matthew Hale
I'm also lookinff for this info - can you please help with me
[ Edited by muzammils on Date 12/22/2003 ]
Are you looking to stay just in Chicagoland or do you plan to expand later. I know of a few, but they are just for Chicago. I also have one that I use that costs quite a bit to get. I always say, you get what you pay for. Let me know what you intend to do and maybe I can give you some better leads.
Could you please provide me with the one in the chicagoland area as well as the one that is quite expensive. I appreciate your help.
We're not investors but we have a house for interested investors in Chicago suburban area. It will go into foreclosure in 2004 and we'd like to avoid that.
Needs mold remediation/gut. If anyone interested, let me know.
Mold House People
There is a great web site to get foreclosures. Another service is The Foreclosure Report of Chicago. Good Luck &
Happy Holidays.
Anybody interested in a foreclosure list, or investing in foreclosures from my leads in the Chicagoland area, please contact me by e-mail.