Chat Room

I have mainly been off and on since i signed on this site last year. But I was wondering how the chat room is used?! Am I not logging into it right? Everytime I go in there no one is there. But there are 150 people logged on the site. WE should use the chat room more. I think it would be fun.. cool smile


  • Ruman17th November, 2004

    If one of us set up just a RE investing chat room would that cause any problems?

    On 2004-03-30 22:02, joel wrote:
    We have nixed the Chat Room. As there is no documentation for it and it was an administration headache.

  • grneydgy17th December, 2004

    Just a suggestion, but whoever is interested could open up an ICQ chat channel or something of the like. Dunno if it would work or not.

  • joel30th March, 2004

    We have nixed the Chat Room. As there is no documentation for it and it was an administration headache.

  • connections10th December, 2004

    A chat room would be great with so many people on the site at one time there would have to be someone you could network with or learn from or teach something to or help with a deal.

  • joel17th December, 2004

    I did have an ICQ room last year. But there are problems with an open forum like that.

    1. You can't document chats so other people will be helped out by the informative answers.

    2. We don't have the man power to moderate it.

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