Cash Flow question

Hi, everyone!
Has anyone heard of a purported Cash Flow Expert named Dean Street? I know he is based out of Salt Lake City, Utah and has a system out he calls "Infinite Wealth...How to Create a Limitless Supply of Cash Forever!"
Has anyone out there had a chance to review his material? Is it worth the effort or just more infomercial psycho-babble? Any help or suggestions would be super! surprised


  • JohnLocke30th November, 2002


    I have not heard of this person but anytime someone says "How to Create a Limitless Supply of Cash Forever!" I think 'forever' is to long of a time period to reason with.

    Kevin, it just does not sound right to me, just my humble opinion.

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • JohnMichael1st December, 2002

    I agree with john on this one. It has the sounds of a typical get rich overnight plan. The one that gets rich is the supplier of information and not the student. If you plan to invest in education, I would suggest to choose those who have had solid REI experience.

    I am unable to find very little info on this one. Tell me the cost, how you found about this info, etc and I will research it.

    I research info on a lot of REI teachers, because if it look like I can learn from their info I buy it. I also collect this stuff, I know it's a strange hobby. Have been collecting REI material since the 80's.

    John Michael

  • KEA1st December, 2002

    I received a direct mail circular from his office (I was spammed!). I haven't had any success with researching him or his book/course. He only wants $19.95 for it and offers a 1 year money back guarentee. I'm thinking about ordering it just so I can see what the "skinny" is and whether or not he is for real.


  • Midpacific14th April, 2003

    Street is a forclosure expert. He tells you how to find out about forclosures in your area, however, to learn how to make "infinite wealth" from him requires further purchases in the form of hundreds of dollars of "work books". That first $20 is basically paying to have him hit you up for even more money.

  • Ladybug14th April, 2003

    I do have the book and a video. The book is quite well written and clear about the whole proceeding. Now, he is a foreclosure expert, and the way he says how to do the deals makes good sense, BUT... you Do need a lot of money to start with, or a line of credit to get started.
    That is the reason I could not get started Street's way. And true, if you want to know all the nitty gritty about his system you'll have to pay a couple of thousand dollars for a 3 day seminar, and hundreds for workbooks. So, I am afraid he is another of the get rich "teaching" guys.
    I find the strategies outlined on this forum a whole lot more doable, and some do require little money (I don't think there is such thing as NO money at all, but I may be wrong, I am just starting, so that is what I think for the time being).
    If I had to make a choice from all the literature that I have, and have been reading on various sites and books, I would prefer John Locke's book and his strategy of Subject to. That is just my personal opinion after a lot of research over the past 6 months.

    Ladybug[ Edited by Ladybug on Date 04/14/2003 ]

  • KEA19th April, 2003

    Thanks for the replies. His book is OK, but it covers info I am already aware of. His "office" has been calling me and soliciting for a "bigger, better deal". I'm not biting. I wasn't that impressed with his book to begin with.

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