Can You Lease A Property On A Lease Option And Then Subrent It To Multiple Renters?
I'm a newbie to real estate investing, but I'm aware from reading the posts that this is the place to ask. From what little I have read on the topic, you can enter into a lease option contract and rent the property to another individual as long as there is a sublet clause in the contract. Can you rent the property to multiple renters? What are the pitfalls and complications to this situation?
Thanks for your advice in advance! I really appreciate all the help!
Multiple renters?? Is the property zoned for multifamily use?? Most leases state that the use has to be a legal use and not violate zoning or other municipal ordinances If it's zoned, then yes you can. If it isn't then the answer is www.negative.l
Thanks Sammyvegas! Your answer helped to clarity this. I appreciate it!