Can You Change The Price On SS?

I am working on a SS with Ocwen with two mtg of 150K and 35K. I originally met the seller when she was still living there and home seems OK. My offer was 143K; on my Net Sheet after expenses and $2000 for HELOC the first mtg would get 137K (both with Ocwen). ARV should be $175K.

Now the seller has moved out and it does seem to need more work; redo 2.5 baths; all trim; she took all appliances etc

Can I make a lower offer (of say $130K) now???


  • ShortSalesinCO23rd May, 2007

    You can....good luck.

    Seriously- Send the a repair estimate (preferably from a licensed contractor) and let them know what is going on. Request a BPO and give your repair estimate to them when you meet them at the property. Take pictures - send it to the loss mit rep via email or snail mail. Show them that is was an oversight and that the repairs are real. Explain yourself and explain that these repairs are necessary to make the house resalable.

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