Can Wholesaling Become Obselete?

With the wealth of knowledge on this board alone, can a methodology be created to where an investor can make millions from property at retail value (excluding rentals)?

I have found it easy to be creative in RE. I have sat down and conjured up numerous ways to do business in RE, but the ideas (not in books I've read) I have come up with are already in use. So, I determined that the possibilities of getting ridiculous with creative REI are endless. Am I fish'n here or can my assumption be realistic?

I am almost positive there is something more creative that can come out of two techniques and one financing option:

- Options (w/o lease)
- Subject To
- Seller Financing

I have come up with some rough drafts of my so-called ideas, but what are the odds of them being THAT creative or realistic if the experience on this board has not exceeded to anything different from what is already in place?


  • jeff1200218th November, 2004

    I believe that achieving your goal is possible. I don't know if you specifically will, but them my crystal ball is a bit fuzzy lately. I don't think however that you have to re-invent the wheel to do it.

    There is as you have said, a wealth of knowledge on this board, and a good many of the contributors on this board have made big bucks learning this business the hard way. Why not take what they have to offer, and add your own special something to fine tune it to your specific talents.

    Find something that works, Get good at it, and repeat it over, and over, and over.

    If you find yourself getting bogged down by the book-keeping, or by addressing envelopes, or whatever, hire someone to handle the tedious work, so you can concentrate on doing the things that will get you paid.

    There's no secret. How smart are you willing to work? As you've indicated, there are so many possibilities in CREI. Go for it. if you only achieve half of what you've stated above as your goal, would that be a bad thing?

    Good luck,

  • linlin18th November, 2004

    I think that the tried and true ways are great especially if you can think up creative ways of doing it.

    I came up with several innovative ways of doing some of the stuff I do - sometimes they work sometimes they don't but I am constantly thinking of ways to get the edge especially in competitive markets.

    I think a lot of folks here do things a certain way because they read certain books and/or tokk seminars where those ways are advocated. They tried them, tweaked them to what works for them and that is what they do.

    Try your creative ways, see how they fare, try more traditional ways, see how that works and then go from there. It is a constant process.

  • kenmax19th November, 2004

    there are infinite ways to crei. find what you are comfortable with doing and just do it. thats the big thing. don't think it to dealt. you or your " unbelievers" can come up with as many reasons that it will not work for every one that it will. it will work if you work it so just do

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