Can two people who love home improvement succeed?

My husband and I love watching home improvement shows and we love to do landscaping as well. Of course, we have a four year old home than doesn't need any improvement and our yard can not take anymore landscaping!! Just recently we noticed some properties that were listed for only $25,000 and didn't look too bad except they needed some TLC. We thought it would be fun to buy such a house and work our magic on it.

Even though we primarily are interested in 'playing' with the house and then selling it or renting it, we have found through a quick GOOGLE search that this seems to be a pretty popular way to make a living. Funny, we never thought of it before.

Is it possible we could make a living at doing something we love?? Just wondering.... LOL


  • loanwizard22nd June, 2003

    If you can buy them cheaply enough and know your exit strategy (how you are going to get paid and how much) plus know how much your expenses will be to make the property sizzle, plus have the resources to carry the property until you exit the property, then sure.... people do it all the time.


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