Can This Be Done?....

I successfully bid on a property about a month ago but the type of financing I was going to get fell through so I had to retract my bid. The house is a great house. I'm closing on a couple of deals next week and will have the 15-20% needed for the house.
So here is my question(s):
-Will they (the bank) let me submit another bid?
-I also really feel that I over bid on the property,(I bidded like 2k below the asking price) I should have gone lower, alot lower. So, if I can re submit a bid, can I re-submit at a lower amount?

Thanks guys and gals,
Quinn oh oh


  • myfrogger26th November, 2003

    Yes you can resubmit an offer but the likelyhood of it being accepted is slim. Make sure you can show some sort of proof on why you should close this time when you couldn't just a few weeks before.

  • JoanAlyce126th November, 2003

    I'm sure you can understand how and why the bank would be leary of you now.

    Can you get a partner to make the new offer and keep your name out of it ? Say you have the cash and want to close NOW.

    That should do it.

  • quinn26th November, 2003

    Thanks Joanalyce,
    I didn't think of this before. I can have my husband purchase it. His name was no where on my bid or applications.
    Great idea!!! I'm happy again. I truly did not want to lose this deal.

  • quinn28th November, 2003

    No more adivse on this one?


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