Can't Find The Owner!!

i have found two properties that need
rehabbing, but can't find the owners . I
send them letters but they were returned.
any inputs are highly appriciated, Thanks.


  • bgrossnickle13th January, 2004

    I look at the property appraiser site (ours is on the Internet) for any other properties that they might own, the PA sites of all neighboring counties, the public records site (ours is on the Internet) for any records with addresses for the subject county, the public records site all neighboring counties,,, and


  • Lufos13th January, 2004

    All of the above sources are great, but I am a great believer in asking the nosy neighbor. You would be amazed at what you can learn. Just walk up to the door and tell them you have an interest in the property and stand clear.

    Sometimes when the owner is incarcerated for some small matter, this is just about the only way to find out.

    I have mailed with Return receipt requested and nada. Then I find out they are living next door but one.

    Hope this helps. Lucius

  • InActive_Account14th January, 2004

    Go on a saturday morning and ask the neighbors if they know how to get in touch with the owner?

  • CGOODEN14th January, 2004

    I would suggest going to the tax accesors office and find out who's name the taxes are in, sometimes that info is available on-line. Sometime the owner of the property will have a different address to send the taxes to other than the property in question. Also check the recorders office for info on the property and owners, this info also may be available on-line. good luck.

  • dkproperties14th January, 2004

    If the property is undergoing foreclosure try contacting the lender. Often times owners just give up and move out but are still in contact with the lender. Also try the county tax web page or office. The owners may not be in foreclosure. They may have moved and are keeping up with the property taxes. The county should have information as to where the tax bill is sent.


  • HH4U14th January, 2004

    Talk to the city. If the property is in bad shape the city knows about it - they prob. have fined the owners. They want something doe with it as well, so they can be helpfull.

  • readyrookie16th January, 2004

    thankyou very much everybody, the feedback on this site is great.
    But I have another ****Must Reach Freshman Investor status before posting URL's***f the property is in foreclosure how do I find who the lender is??

  • InActive_Account16th January, 2004

    The lender is listed on the lis pendens and final judgement her in Jax fl. These are recorded at the clerk of the courts office for the county.

  • rcummings16th January, 2004

    you can always go to the post office and ask them if there is a forwarding address for the home owner., and if there is what would you have to do to get the piece sent to the new address. Sometimes it may not show up on your returned mail that there is another address.

    If you want the property really bad, you can always check out sites that search for missing people. Not sure what the criteria is but it's just a suggestion.

    Try sending another letter a week or so later, maybe the post office didn't get the address change request until after you sent your first mailing piece.

  • thinkchip18th January, 2004

    you could try the service "DeadLeads". they're online
    i have not personally used the service.

    good luck

  • caterina18th January, 2004

    Hello Rookie! I am here in Chi Town too... Go to the Cook County Assessor site and you can locate the PIN (Property Index #) and then pull up who the tax bill is sent to.

    Regarding the lender info you need - or if you hit a brick wall on the owner thing - send me a private e-mail with both property addresses. I can pull a title search and it doesn't cost me (or you)anything.

  • Dustin02018th January, 2004

    I am in the same boat. According to the apprasal district, the home I am interested in, is owned by a deceased man, the sons occupied the home but eventually got kicked out by the city for trashing the place...they were also minors. The tax payer is Chase Manhattan. They will not release information. I am having a friend of a friend who is a realtor contact the bank for info. Hopefully this week something will turn. Good Luck

  • readyrookie18th January, 2004

    Thanks once again guys, but has any body out here made business with "dead leads". Should I trust them or any body else thats asking for more info on the properties? Let's not forget i'm a rookie at this!!

  • LarryTX19th January, 2004

    readyrookie - If nobody follows up with your post I would be glad to provide you with any additional information about our service we provide to investors.

    Our role and function is to assist real estate investors locate information on potential deals. I can assure you we do not compete for your leads and function merely as a third party processor. All information obtained during each order is kept confidential and is not shared with anybody else.


    Larry (TX)

  • tinman175519th January, 2004


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