Can't Find The Bank!

Strange one. With all the power the internet posesses these days, I still can't find this 'bank'. Or do you think it is even a bank? Here it is, just as it appears in the county records.
PITTSBURGH PA 15212-5356
i though I had it, but called and it was Nat'l City Morgage. Different company & they didn't have this property. So, the question is, HOW DO I FIND IT? Is there a database of lenders, or does anyone happen to know of this company? Any imput would be great. Thanks in advance smile


  • Birddog16th November, 2003

    It could always be a hard money lender. Is this a residential mortgage, or an investment property?

  • bryanb6th November, 2003

    Go to the courthouse and look up the deed. I suspect that there will be Mortgage company info and Address.

  • BAMZ6th November, 2003

    Hi samedwin,

    Why are you looking for this bank? Are you trying to get info for details on someones loan?

    If that is the case, you could ask them for a coupon book (etc) with the banks info on it.

    If this is for any reason, please let us know!


  • SuperCat6th November, 2003

    Call the main corporate number here:
    National City Corporation
    National City Center
    1900 East Ninth Street
    Cleveland, Ohio
    (216) 222-2000

    Ask for the phone number of one of their subsidiaries. It is a seperate entity from National City Mortgage, but is owned by National City.

  • samedwin6th November, 2003

    It's an REO in BAD shape. I want to buy and either wholesale or rehab (depending on how much time I have, and how much I want to make). They listed it, then pulled it off the MLS. The realtor wouldn't give out any info (sometime, POW, right to the moon!!!). Anyway, thanks for the comments and great lead! Have a great day!!

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