Can I Contact A Person On A "NOD" List To Purchase A Property

I have access to Notice of Default of loans in my area. Can I contact the individual home owners or must I be in contact with either the trustee or the Lender to purchase the property? Are there any legal concerns I need to be aware of if I contact the homeowner?


  • jeff1200210th January, 2005

    Nothing that I know of except the lack of intestinal fortitude ever stops anyone from contacting homeowners on the NOD list. No law prevents you from knocking on doors, or sending out targeted mailers etc. I doubt that they would answer the phone from someone that they don't know though.
    Just a bit of advice though. If they are on the list, they don't need some stranger walking up and shouting it from the street. Use a little bit of tack, and verify that you are speaking to the right person when the topic comes up. If your attitude is one that reflects your desire to help them, they will be more receptive to what you have to say than they will if your approach leaves them feeling that you are a vulture circling.
    Good luck,

  • EricTalley10th January, 2005

    Thanks for the advice Jeff. I just want to make sure that what I am doing will benefit all parties envolved. I just want to make sure that the prospect is aware that we are in a position to help rather than doing anything that will get that person or myself in any unknown legal troubles.


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