Can I Buy Property From MLS

I saw a property I wanted to buy in my area for 295.500.In the MLS
How would I go about purchasing this property.
I am quite should there is a real estate agent involved, also what forms should I use and I hope I not called a idiot for asking this question like before .thank you :-?


  • quinn18th October, 2004

    Hi Jannah,
    your posts doesn't give much detail. Are you trying to buy this property to live in, or to rehab, rent ,and hold, or what are you trying to accomplish? Give a few more details and you're sure to get a few more responses.


  • SmileyFace18th October, 2004

    It sounds like you don't have much of exprerience with puchasing real estate properties. Most of listings on MLS are listed by real estate agents. If you don't know much about doing it, I think you should get yourself an experienced real estate agent first.

  • tmpringle30118th October, 2004

    SInce you are on this site I will assume you are looking to purchase a property for an investment. If that's the case - please give more details about the property so that your objectives are clear. Please don't worry - no one will make you feel foolish for asking questions here.

  • rmdane200018th October, 2004

    If it is listed with a real estate agent (I don't know how it could be on the MLS and not be...) then you can get your own agent and have your agent approach the seller with an offer. Or, you could just wait and see if the listing expires and then contact the seller directly and try to negotiate an even lower price. All you would need to get started would be a purchase agreement, if you have a lawyer they would be able to provide you one, or you could call a local RE office and try to get them to give you one, or if you bought some real estate recently you could copy the one you used then...or there are some online also...

  • JannahBin218th October, 2004

    Thanks everyone for your quick response.
    I am trying to buy this 2 family brick home to flip
    The property is list with a agent for 295 thousand and some dollars. No I have never delt with a agent so I want to be correct.
    I do have a purchasing form and a lawyer. Thanks again everybody

    [ Edited by JannahBin2 on Date 10/18/2004 ][ Edited by JannahBin2 on Date 10/18/2004 ]

  • pserber19th October, 2004

    JannahBin2, Have you done much studying on the technique of flipping? Generally flipping involves the not-so-easy process of locating and securing a contract on hard to find deals where the agreed upon price is well below market.

    If you see a property on MLS you can assume it is fairly close, if not over, market value. Great deals usually do not make to MLS. Agents buy them or pass them on to their investor clients.

    This web site is a great place to learn. Read some of the articles on flipping available here.

    Good luck!

  • JannahBin219th October, 2004

    Hay Paula,
    Thanks for your insight.
    I was just wondering if it was possible for me to buy from a MLS .
    They did have some below market values in there foreclosure listing. I just need to get past the realtor if possible,but if I can't I'll more on to greener pastures. Thanks again grin

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