Calling/Writing To Potential Buyers

i am in the process of getting names and info on some potentiall buyers. can anyone give me some pointers on what to say when i make the phone calls? also when writing a letter what would be a good apporuch? are there any templates that can be used for this? please help. confused


  • pejames2nd February, 2004

    hello, If you go to the marketing forum and read some of the posts there as well as the archives, you will get a good feel for what you want to say and how you want to approach the market you are working. Good luck

  • Sierra142nd February, 2004

    thanks for the info.

  • omega12nd February, 2004

    Why would you want to call buyers? Let the buyers call you and hear a nicely recorded voice mail when they call. In your voice mail message, give them the direction to the house you want to sell and there on the house leave your telephone number in case they like to call AFTER they seen the house. In you message, also ask to save you some time and build you the list of prospects you can use in the future.

    Good Luck !

  • Sierra143rd February, 2004

    My Bad, what I realy wanted to say is to call potential sellers. not buyers.

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