Call Backs And Your Business

Is it just me but dont you just hate it when you take the time out of your day to make phone calls to get contractors, lawyers, etc on the phone and you dont get a return call in a timley fashion? Recently I wanted to price out a job called 2 contractors 3 times in a matter of 4 days finaly got a call back from both of them about 3 days later < I had forgotten I had called them in the first place> Both called and started with there sales pitch which I promply cut them short and told them both I was not going to use either one of them due to the fact they could not pick up a phone and at least let me know they got my call and would set up a time to meet with me. So for all you people out there if you get a call and you can not answer it make sure you take them time to return the call, cost both the contractors close to 5 grand in work.


  • kfspropertymanagement14th February, 2005

    I was professional when I spoke with both of them just told them I was no longer interested. BTW I nver told them on the phone they lost a 5 grand job I was only making the statement on this board. I dont burn bridges besides who knows some time in the future they might get another shot.

  • bgrossnickle14th February, 2005

    After you have established a relationship with someone, then you will get decent service. I have a carpenter, plumber, flooring guy, electrician, roofer and handyperson that I call and they are on the job within 2 to 3 days. Now if I needed a general contractor I would have to beg borrow and steal to get one out to even look at the job. Then even if they look at the job, they may not ever return my phone calls for an estimate or when they can start. People are busy, and they are good at their job, not necessarily good at the office work. If they know you, you move to the top of the list. If they do not know you, you have to beg borrow and steal to get the job done.


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