Real Estate Investing Leads: Focusing On What Works

A successful real estate investing business must be fuelled by good marketing. Without good marketing, you do not have leads coming in, and you do not have deals. You must therefore focus on what works and sustain constant marketing and a continuous flow of deals.

This article discusses what you need to do to keep those leads and coming. Good marketing is what fuels successful real estate investing business. You cannot have deals coming in if you do not have good marketing. By sustaining constant marketing that works, you build a constant flow of deals.

This article discusses what you need to do to keep those leads and coming.

A few rules apply when marketing for real estate investing leads:

1) Set your target

You can invest in so many different types of properties. To be successful, you need to have a target. For instance, to wholesale properties, you might need to focus on middle income neighborhoods and properties with eqeuity.

If you are looking for owner financing, then you need to target people who own their properties free and clear.

A lot of people try to incorporate all business models at the same time, losing focus. You can end up getting too overwhelmed and losing focus. If you are wholesaling, fixing and retailing, landlording, lease options, apartments, all at the same time, something is likely to go wrong.

Focus on what works for you best and polish it. Then you can move on to other business models at a comfortable pace.

2) Use multiple marketing strategies

There no single all inclusive marketing strategy. Success in real estate investing is an additive result of several marketing strategies.

For example, you can be getting leads through a your real estate investor well optimized for search engines, or even through pay per click marketing. You can post online ads such as Craigslist.

At the same time, you could be doing direct mail marketing to your leads. Post cards, or letters, or both could form your direct mail media.

Bandit signs, newspaper ads, radio, etc are all media you can test and focus on what works best for you.

3) Polish your marketing message

This can be the most tricky part of your real estate investing success, but one of the most important elements.

You must have a message that commands instant attention and compels them to take action, whether they sign up from your real estate investing website or call you.

If you are targeting motivated sellers, remember they are flooded with numerous letters with offers of all sorts. Why should they respond to yours instead of all the others?

You must therefore spend time to polish your marketing message.

4) Measure your results

You cannot manage it if you do not measure it. You marketing can only be well polished to its maximum potential only if you measure it.

If you do not know where your leads are coming from and why, you cannot fine tune your systems to achieve maximum potential. You could end up wasting a lot of time, money and effort channeling your marketing in the wrong direction.

Once you know what works, you can then focus your efforts to fine tune your business and to have a constant flow of leads, deals and profits.

Find out how you can automate your real estate investing business using an interactive real estate investor website that attracts leads for you, follows up with them automatically and converts them into deals allowing you to focus on your marketing. Lean more real estate investing tips from our blog.


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