Buying Title Insurance For Yourself

My brother had a question. When he buys his single family rentals he always gets asked if he wants to buy title insurance for himself. I, myself, told him I am not sure why you would need title insurance for yourself when you get the title insurance for the bank. Anybody know why you would need to buy another policy for yourself and what if any the benfits are of doing that?


  • happyhome16th July, 2005


    Your sharp enough to look this up yourself. Do an internet search for title insurance. However you can start below with Chicago Title Ins Co.

    The title ins for the lender protects their benificial interest in the title to the property. Owners title ins protects you in case someone, a previous heir or a fraud, easement etc results in a claim against your property. You will not (or choose not to) be able to sell the prop until you have a clear title. The title ins co will settle and defend the claim and provide for a clear title.

    See you own title ins policy for a bit more detail

    [ Edited by happyhome on Date 07/16/2005 ]

  • joel19th July, 2005

    Actually, this should be an article. Please write a brief synopsis of the article and submit it in the Article area.

  • norrist19th July, 2005

    Will do...

  • cjmazur19th July, 2005

    a non-disclosure or non-circumvent are about the only ways to protext IP prior to some form of license agreement.

    Why did you feel a non-disclosure is worthless?

  • JDC2119th July, 2005

    You should find a good IP attorney. Most of these companies are just rip off artists from what I hear. I watched a show on discovery times, I think, about inventors and the process of getting their invention from idea to the market. One of the case studies was a woman who hired some company to help her develop her product and her idea was stolen.

    Good Luck!

  • concrete19th July, 2005

    On 2005-07-19 08:56, JDC21 wrote:
    You should find a good IP attorney.

    Hi JDC21,

    Thank you for the idea as I did not think of an attorney who specialized in IP . I now have a direction to begin!

    Thank you again,

  • concrete19th July, 2005

    Thanks, will do. I lived in Stone Mountain for a while a long time ago. Still miss it and the Atlanta area. I try to visit much as I can.


  • norrist18th July, 2005

    Be prepared to factor "non-standard" insurance rates into your pro-forma....Insurers for college/student rentals are tough...

  • avenue_investments26th July, 2005

    I am considering this market also. I will definitely have Mom and Dad co-sign the lease. I went to a small college that is need of housing due to an increase in enrollment.

    I hope it works out for you.

  • kleinpm27th July, 2005

    The only experience I have with college rentals is from living in them. Looking back I see now what a cash cow I was living in. It was customary in my school town for the landlord to charge per semester what the school charged. So the duplex that I was living in was 1200 dollars per person x 8 people x 2 semesters a year. My landlord only paid 62000 for the place. So gross rents were 19200. He had to pay utilities but so what. The leases had the parents on them and all the rent bills went directly to the parents. We also paid one semester in advance so if the parents didnt pay the students didnt stay. Just me rambling on. Good luck.

  • alanvictor27th July, 2005

    I also own a student rental, cash flow is great when you can catch them to pay there rent I have found that grad students work the best there a little more responsable , and the insurance is a little bit of a pain but it does work.

  • alanvictor27th July, 2005

    you also have to make sure it is licenced and if it is the price of the unit holds it value when I bought mine the insurance made me put two new doors and paint the place

  • norrist27th July, 2005


    Out of curiosity, what insurer did you use?


  • alanvictor27th July, 2005

    State Farm and the only reason they took it is I had all my other properties there and I said I was leaving and they covered it.

  • norrist27th July, 2005

    Thanks. That is a big anomaly for State Farm (insuring "student housing"wink...


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