Buying A Note?

what dose the bank need in order to look at person wanting to buy a certain loan note from them at a discount, where he becomes the note holder? is there is a form or certain things need to be filled to present to them as an offer to buy the note.



  • jfmlv195019th July, 2010

    Sounds like you are on the right track.

    Just take everything.

    I had to do an eviction like that a few years ago, where I anticipated ahead of time that the tenant was going to pull a disability defense.

    I knew she would be trying to get the court to feel sorry for her, by having me look like the big bad landlord kicking this poor defenseless woman out onto the streets.

    Well we went to court, and there she was in her wheelchair with her daughter pushing, looking frail and beaten.

    And here I come into the court room, limping with my walking cane in hand.

    I had just leveled the playing field.

    Court went on, her defense broken, and she was given 48 hours to either pay or get out.

    Sounds like you have your ducks in a row, good luck in court.

    John (LV)
    [ Edited by jfmlv1950 on Date 07/19/2010 ]

  • finniganps20th July, 2010

    Also make sure you have copies of everything you submit (one for you, defendant and judge) unless you already provided those.

  • jfmlv195029th July, 2010

    So how did things turn out?

    John (LV)

  • Cornell8130th July, 2010

    Did not pay by deadline. Mediation cancelled. Tenant now pleading for 2 weeks until move out. In exchange, she promised to pay July by this past Weds. Did not.

    I am now waiting on the Broward Sheriff Office to post Final Writ of Possession.

    According to the BSO, I have the ability to slow down the actual move out date by scheduling when I can do it. My plan is to post and move them out ASAP. I have made the same mistake with this tenant multiple times...

  • jfmlv195030th July, 2010

    Yea, get them out ASAP and put some one else in.

    Hope for NO vindictive damage.

    You might think about a small "cash for keys" to hurry them along with payment ONLY AFTER they have physically gone with no damage.

    Better luck on the next one.

    John (LV)

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