Business Plan

Does anyone have a sample business plan for a RE Investor? Thanks in advance.


  • ryand15th March, 2005

    Learn how to do a short-sale and try it. If you dont want to and there is a lot of equity just take title in a trust and put it on the market. You may have to make up the back payments or maybe not. it depends how much time you think you have

  • rickpozos15th March, 2005

    Find someone in your local REI association who does short sales, ask them if you give them the deal, will they in turn show you how to do short sales. Who could turn that down. This will give you a world of knowledge.

  • loon14th March, 2005

    The county assessor will know the appraiser for that area is. Good place to start, he/she should have some recent sale info, and you can pick their brain for other factors that might be relevant to your decision. May even know your specific parcel and a bit of its history. Realtors can help, too, but sometimes their info is biased towards their ultimate goal, selling you property.

  • commercialking14th March, 2005

    You might want to post this question on the Commercial side of TCI. Click the red tab at the top of the page with the hard-had picture.

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