Business Cards

I plan on purchasing properties and holding them for long term investments - renting and then in a few years selling on installment sales contracts since my interest rate is fixed at 5.99%. Does everyone use separate cards for different purposes - i.e., landlord card, investor card, or do you just have cards w/contact info


  • myfrogger24th May, 2004

    So far I have used only 1 card that looks very professional.

  • InActive_Account25th May, 2004

    I really only want one card. do you have a business name or just your personal name? I thought perhaps my name with just the word 'properties' on the next line. still not sure what I want to do.

    Thanks for the reply

  • labellavita3rd June, 2004

    I was debating this myself. I was thinking of having a simple card that I can give to sellers (didn't know if I looked too "big" they might not want to deal with me) and then another card with my LLC on it, and this was going to be the card I'd present to other REI professionals (attorneys, investors, lenders, etc). Will this work? I think I can keep up with 2 cards, of course the simpler the better. Hmmmm. Maybe I'll just stick with the one card.

    Ginnie[ Edited by godiva on Date 06/03/2004 ]

  • moody3rd June, 2004


    Having owned several business's and been through all kinds of inner turmoil on this issue; here's my free advice.

    1. Keep it simple. 1 card
    2. Use Vistaprints and get them free.
    3. Most people throw them away after entering the information into a PDA, Outlook or manual daytimer.

    You can spend a ton of money on alot of different types of cards, multi-colour, two sided colour etc. However, it's the impression that you make that they will remember. If they only remember the card .......

    I know one guy that created a company that for $1500 would create a "baseball type" card for the self-employed professionals.

    I prefer free cards from

    my 2cents


  • jpchapboy12th June, 2004

    I agree with Moody all the way. I use vista print because you can't beat $5.95 for 250 cards. (shipping and handleing. . . Oh yeah, and the cost of printing with a little factored in to make a profit) But hey they are still a great deal. 8-)

  • active_re_investor12th June, 2004

    Two answers...

    If you want the card to be a simple way for you to exchange your details with someone then one card will do.

    If your card is really an ad and it makes sense to run different ads at different times then use different cards as needed.

    It is very easy to agree that no one would run the same ad all the time in all sorts of publications, radio, etc. Decide what you are using your business card to accomplish. Is if a small billboard or a way to pass basic contact data?


  • dealfinder21st June, 2004

    Your business cards are a direct reflection of you and what you are offering.

    I recommend that you spend the money on your business cards to look professional, get your message across to your sellers and buyers alike, and spend the money on them to be double-sided.

    If you spend, let's say, $120.00 on 1,000 business cards and it brings you two deals, was it too much to spend? You be the judge!!


  • JasonVanOrden30th June, 2004

    Personally I think of a business card as a small display ad that I hand out.

    With this in mind, an effective ad is focused and offers/pitches ONE thing. You short-change the effectiveness of your business card (display ad) if it is just a laundry list of EVERYTHING you do.

    This is the reason that the majority of Yellow Page ads fail to pull significant response.

    Conclusion...if you do multiple things, go for multiple cards. Make each a powerful ad for for that specific niche.

    My 0.02,


  • OnTheWater1st July, 2004


    We have one card:

    OurLastName Properties, LLC
    Specializing in One To Four Family Homes.



    We have one sign:

    I Buy Houses

    Call MyName Anytime At: 540-prefix-number

    The cards and signs seem to be quite effective.

    Thanks :-D ,


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