Business Cards - Day Glo Or No .. ?

What's the consensus on background color for I BUY HOUSES-type of business cards? Does anyone have experience with tracking the success of standard black and white printing vs. something eye catching in day glo yellow or orange?

Everyone's 2 or 3 cents is welcome. Thx



  • HouseBuyerGuy15th December, 2003

    I use the Orange Color. I can email a sample if you like. Color is always going to draw attention to something vs. black and white. It is well worth it for the few extra $$.

    Happy Investing![ Edited by HouseBuyerGuy on Date 12/15/2003 ]

  • Wingnut15th December, 2003

    I use business cards with blue or red borders, with bold print "i buy houses". they seem to be very eye catching. I have not used yellow or orange. I purchased a business card program at my local office supply store, and made about 20 different designs, and I chose the one I thought was more appealing to the eye. The software and cards only cost me $70. Hope this helps.

  • HouseBuyerGuy15th December, 2003

    Also, if you have Microsoft Publisher and can design your own, I know of a place where I just had mine done online cheap. They did a great job. All you would have to do is upload your file to them, it take a few seconds and you can complete the order in a minute or two.
    It was nice.

  • Nievana1415th December, 2003

    mind pm-ing me the website where you got yours done?

  • myfrogger15th December, 2003

    Keep in mind that professionally printed business cards are well worth the money. Raised ink is my favorite. If the cards look tacky then the operation is likely tacky. Possibly not true but perception is key for marketing.

  • molotov15th December, 2003

    Thx guys..I agree with myfrogger, dont want anything too garish but do still want to attract attention (hey! maybe you get a free lunch at your favorite eatery if your card is the brightest in the bowl).

    I went with an orange background that has some texture to it. found an online printer site (vistaprint) that is the cheapest I have seen. They will also do 250 "free" business cards for the cost of the postage (~$4.95). I went there for the free stuff and stayed for the good prices.

    That's my business card story and I'm sticking to it..


  • pejames17th December, 2003

    I have heard many opinions aboit business cards and my feeling is that if they work for you, then it's got to be good. I use just white cards and I print them my self from home. I use a MS program for this and it allos me to change my card as I see fit. I do use some color in them for effect, but I keep it to a minimum.
    Good luck

  • JPLInvestments20th December, 2003

    Just a note. With vista print it is actually cheaper per card to get more that you "pay for" than it is to get the free cards. If you plan on getting more than 250 then you may want to got that way. Just my 2 cents.


  • centralvenus20th December, 2003


    I got 5000 cards for 13.99 ( Shipping was 19.99 tho) They were having an 84% off sale

  • pejames21st December, 2003

    Just an FYI, I am constantly making minor adjustments to my cards, like re-wording, color schemes, logos and the layout, so buying 5000 would just not work for me. At least not yet. I am finding out what works best in the area I live and work in. Hope this helps. Good luck

  • timerwin9th January, 2004

    I received a great card the other day. It looked exactly like a $100 bill that was folded. When I opened it, it gave the basic information about buying houses for FMV with a quick close. I think I may convert to that style.

  • molotov9th January, 2004

    Hey timerwin - when you find out the source/printer of those cards (if you pursue it), would you mind posting the company name. It might be of interest to others.

    $100 bills always get my attention! Thx


  • InActive_Account9th January, 2004

    Someone gave me a Vista business card. It looked very nice. When I turned it over, it said something about the card being free. How impressive is that???

    I'd rather tell a seller that "I forgot my cards" write my name and number on
    a sheet of paper.

  • molotov9th January, 2004

    sammyvegas - you are right on about the free Vista cards...they are no a way a long term preofessional solution, just a way to get some inexpensive cards without having to do too much design. I doubt that I passed out 10 of them before I ordered my own 'not free' cards.

    Vista had good prices from what I could tell and the cards were delivered in about 4 business days (regular, non-expedited service).


  • kaceyv9th January, 2004

    Do the majority of you have business names? If not, what are you printing in the "Company name" area of the business cards? I am getting ready to purchase my first set, but every template I have found, ask for a comapny name. I know it's a small detail, but I have limited funds and would like to produce a decent, professional looking business card.

  • timerwin12th January, 2004


    I am meeting with the investor with that card on the 29th. I will make a note to ask him where he purchased the cards and post it then.

  • timerwin28th January, 2004

    The following is the link for $100 Business Cards:

    Mike Jacka at

    Have a great day!

  • timerwin28th January, 2004

    Hello everyone,

    I tried the link as I posted it and it failed. Try the following, instead:

    Then select business cards and $100. They seem a litte expensive, but they look really good in person.

    Have a great day!

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