Bureaus Say They Will Not Investigate 2nd Time

Hi all. I have a $10 charge-off I am disputing on my bureau. I disputed it last year but they came back saying that the City (who placed it) says it stands. However, through this struggle I have received a copy of the City's internal credit reporting policy and they were in complete violation. I am taking it up with them, but in the meantime sent another dispute based on the new information. The bureau says it has already investigated and that they will no longer investigate this account. Is this legal?


  • tinman175510th May, 2004

    Yes, it is legal. You need to send them proof that the $10.00 was paid before they will reinvestigate.


  • c-brainard10th May, 2004

    Lori is correct. You could also dispute it for a different reason and when it was investigated it would turn up paid.


  • InActive_Account17th May, 2004

    On 2004-05-10 15:44, emily8621 wrote:
    Hi all. I have a $10 charge-off I am disputing on my bureau. I disputed it last year but they came back saying that the City (who placed it) says it stands. However, through this struggle I have received a copy of the City's internal credit reporting policy and they were in complete violation. I am taking it up with them, but in the meantime sent another dispute based on the new information. The bureau says it has already investigated and that they will no longer investigate this account. Is this legal?

    Whoa, hold on... what exactly do you mean by the city being in violation on their reporting policy? If you mean that you have documentation which shows that the debt is valid, but further shows that they did something wrong in the way it was reported, DO NOT send this info the the Credit Bureau. If, in fact, the reply you have shows ANY valid connection in any way between you and the debt, DO NOT pass this info on. You will have just sent them self-verified proof of the valid account.

    Your post is not clear enough to prescribe a next step. What exactly did you send? What exactly did you get back? Did you dispute the specific account with the city? Did they respond with specific information about the account, or just about their reporting policies in general?

  • emily862118th May, 2004

    My dispute is a rental tax for the two apartments I own. The bill came while I was overseas for business. I made my payment from abroad and the city has record of it arriving within 30 days. However it was sent to the wrong department and was held up for 3 weeks within city offices being transfered to the right place. In the meantime, my account was transferred to collections where they added a $10 charge. So when they posted my payment it cleared everything but this new $10. They never rebilled me and charged off my account that month. City policy says they must give 30 days notice for negative action AND they cannot do anything if it has not been 60 days. My credit bureau shows they opened the account with the bureau the same month they sent the notice. And if you've ever tried to fight the city, you feel like a grain of sand.

  • creditech24th May, 2004

    What CRA is this with? EXPERIAN by chance?

  • cjmazur24th May, 2004

    Do you have a copy of the canceled check?

    Send a copy along w/ the explaination (biz trip) to the 3 CRAs (or as many as it shows on) as a dispute letter. They must by law reinvestigate.

    I have had to write as many as 5 dispute letter to a credit card to dispute a charge, and then 3 more sets to get the derogs off the reports

    Or (I has this w/ a written off credit card) get a letter from the City or collection agency that the account was reported in and and should reflct paid according to terms and a 0 balance.

    If you like fighting, check out the penalty clause for mis-reporting info or CRAs not following the correction policy.

  • j_owley3rd July, 2004

    go back to the city's person in charge of that department and bring in your proof, thay can have the account deleted with the 3 agencies, he will have to write a letter saying he wants the account deleted.

    this might be the easiest way

    P S it works, i did somthing like this with regards to one of my accounts


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