Builders/Developers Forum?

Some investors are moving into the developing arena by building new structures on vacant land. Why not a forum where builders and developers can discuss issues pertaining to this form of RE investing? cool grin wink


  • Vern24th January, 2003

    Hello IB_JN, I have a little idea about land development. I would not mind getting into this business sometime in the not too distant future. It does not appear to be too diffcult a task to accomplish. I just need to gather all of the team players. Find an area in need of a housing development. Then start the ball-a-rolling. This something that I will look into when the time is right. I wish you every success on your real estate development career. Keep posting to let me know how it is going.

  • IB_NJ24th January, 2003

    Howdy Vern!

    Great idea you have there. The key would be finding the "area in need of housing development". To do this you would have to know your market pretty well. RE Investing in general will help you learn the market. After you get a good understanding of it, building new homes could/should be right around the corner.

    I've been doing rehabs for about 3 years now and just got hooked into a good deal on some vacant land. Decided now's the time for my partner and I to get into building and development. I'm really excited about it. Thanks for the well wishes and I'll keep ya posted. What part of the country are you in?

  • Vern24th January, 2003

    IB_NJ, I am in central Kentucky. I am working on my first major rehab at this time. So, like I said, I hope to ready after a few more rehab dealing. I can see myself getting to the level where your are in around the same time frame that you begain your development career.

  • joel26th January, 2003

    Your wish is my command. I have opened it up.

  • ETA22nd September, 2004

    is there a builders/developers forum?

  • bnorton22nd September, 2004

    Yes. It is on the commercial side of things.

  • joel22nd September, 2004

    Here is the link for everybody.

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