Brginner Investor

is there a topic header for beginner investors? i would like to start investing but am not quite sure how and where to start...thanks for ur input confused


  • DaveREI31st October, 2003

    I would recommend you start for free by clicking on the articles tab above... read thru them ...there are alot..and some good advice and tips.....then think about what avenue to persue

  • ahabion31st October, 2003

    hey sun

    well you really should start with reading. if you truely are interested in investing then its necessary that you get some background infomation and as much education about investing as you can. NOTE: You dont necessarily have to go to a guru boot camp to get the information. you did a good job finding this site. here, you can get almost all the information you ever need and then some because you can always ask for advice also. But really, go to barnes&noble or something and pick up a book, my first book i bought was "making big money investing in foreclosures w/o cash or credit" by peter conti and david finkel. to me personally, that opened up a lot of insight as to where i want to do my investing, a broad and basic plan of action, but the thing is, it really got me thinking outside the box and to think creatively. it was worth the investment i believe, but also take a look at JohnLocke's and TheShortSalesPro stuff that they have for sale, there are a lot of positive things ppl have said about these guys and they are "true gurus" that know what they're talkin about. you'll find that out the more you read posts and such. these names keep coming up. take a look at their products and i suggest get them. i just ordered johnlockes sub2 manual and plan on getting SSpro's primer.

    READ READ READ is how i started, then once you get to a certian point that you say to yourself, "i understand it all but i dont know what to do." thats when you go out and DO. just jump in is the way i look at it. then keep coming back here to read on other ppl's problems and what other ppl post. ask questions and hopefully someone will help you out.

    on another note, how far are you from spartanburg??? oh yeah, look for your closest REIA Group. you can go to

    ( i cant post it up, it'll be blocked, i'll PM ya)

    but yep, if you would like more help, ask around the ppl here or if you want you can contact me by email. i'm not a guru or anyting, i just started myself really but i'm sure i can help you somehow.

    hope this helped some. have fun!!


    ~*ahab*~"aLl ThIs InVesTiNg Is mAkiNg Me KrOsS EyEd!?"

    [ Edited by ahabion on Date 10/31/2003 ][ Edited by ahabion on Date 10/31/2003 ]

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