Breed Of Dogs Bad For My Rental


looks like this may deserve a separate post in this forum. COuld someone give me a list of all dogs that I would not want to have in my Luxury Home...

So far I know pit bulls and rotweilers are the breed of dogs not suitable for having in my rentals ... please eloborate ...

thanks, Pam


  • jam20030th December, 2004

    German Shepherds

    These are the five my insurance co. said they won't insure a property if they're present on.

  • LadyGrey1st January, 2005

    I would also be cautious of pugs - they are not dangerous dogs - but they are very well known for chewing.

  • kla123rd January, 2005

    Depending on the state, a landlord can be held liable for harmful acts of any animal which they knew or should have known to have dangerous propensities. While to hold a landlord liable simply because their tenant had a pit bull is a stretch (not impossible), but say you get reports of the pit bull showing dangerous propensities (growling, straining at his leash, incessant barking), once the tenant already lives there, it would be such a pain to get them out at that point. Better to stay away from any potentially "aggressive" breeds from a liability angle. Off the top of my head: Rotties (although I love them myself), Pitts, Dobermans, German Shepherds, Chows, Akitas, wolf hybrids... Little dogs can bite but they won't take some kid's face off if they do, so your homeowner's liability coverage would take care of it no problem if such a claim was made.

    Any dog can ruin a carpet though, as can a cat. Depending how "luxury" your luxury home is, may be better just to say "no pets." Carpets are pretty expensive to replace and the smell of urine is nearly impossible to get rid of even after replacing the carpet. (Lesson being an incontinent Chihuahua isn't necessarily a better choice than a Rottweiler.)


  • Alice6th January, 2005

    This is a subject which doesn't get the attention it deserves.

    A few years ago, my brother ran over my collie, Willard, and he bite my brother as he tried to move him. Willard died about 30 minutes later while my brother was in the emergency roon getting stiches on his hand.

    I thought it was strange when I received a sympathy card from my vet who hadn't even seen the dog. (I had to take Willard to a pet emergency clinic because of the late hour) My vet and I could prove Willard had had a recent rabies shot but they didn't take our word for it. They doubled checked everything. It was a difficult situation. But my point is- the authorities don't fool around with these issues. You can't be too careful. Double check your tenants to make sure their pets are up to date on rabies shots. Animal Cops is not just a show on T.V.. It's real.



  • d_random20th January, 2005

    My suggestion is to not accept any dogs of any type. As mentioned before, all dogs have the protential to mess up a place. Plus, the barking problem. Either you will be hearing from other tenants about the barking dog, or from irate neighbors. Trust me, save yourself the headache! [ Edited by d_random on Date 01/20/2005 ]

  • roberth10th February, 2005


  • InActive_Account11th February, 2005

    Better check with your insurance agent. Mine has a list of unacceptable dogs.

  • getgoing11th February, 2005

    What are your concerns of the breed.

    Bully Breeds that insurance Co. will be a problem?
    Make sure they are aware the dog is in the home. And it will depend on your Insurance Co....

    Breeds that will distroy a home?
    Any breed can distroy a home...

    Good Luck[ Edited by getgoing on Date 02/11/2005 ]

  • InActive_Account11th February, 2005

    On 2005-01-01 16:07, LadyGrey wrote:
    I would also be cautious of pugs - they are not dangerous dogs - but they are very well known for chewing.

    ?? Huh? I have two pugs and they have never chewed anything in my house. They shed a lot, but as far as chewing on things, not any more than any other breed.

  • hookilau8th March, 2005


    now that I think of it, you make a good pet policy seems the easiest no-headache way to go....

    I need another vicodin... ;o)

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