Brand New At This...

Can anyone give me a clue about all this real estate investing? I'm wanting to end a brief ( 6year) career in surgical scrub nursing due to poor management, all the politics and yada yada yada, I am interested in all this and just ordered a system from Lou Vukas(?) and want to do the tax Lien route..any suggestions? I am very finance ignorant and had to look "terms" up on the net, I'm really green..can even "I" do this? :-?


  • arborlis4th July, 2004

    Hello Ultracool, welcome! I am also new to REI. I have been studying every possible way to acquire RE properties. If you're serious about making this a career choice, be prepared to spend some money on your education. I am about to purchase John cash Locke's course on subject to. His material can be found right here on this site. Mr. Locke is the most accessible teacher I've found since I began my investigation of good educational material. There are many ways to acquire real estate with little money. You should educate yourself in all the available methods. Creative investing in very exciting and more fun than spending your own money.

  • ultracool4th July, 2004

    Thanks for responding...
    According to Lou, you shouldn't have to spend a ton, in fact he suggests staying away from all the conflicting information, especially the infomercial route. He is just an investor and has had numerous, expensive past experience. I studied all of them, and I chose him based on his no-nonsense approach. The no money down thing didn't work for him, but the tax lien concept intrests me and it's little known to alot of may not be the biggest secret now, as I think many are catching on. I want to get in on it before it's too competitve.
    Hey, thanks. I'm a little scared cuz I don't know a whole lot.

  • sayana4th July, 2004

    Hi Ultracool:
    This web site is quite educative. Please go to FORUMS and then select TAX LEIN FORUM. There are 806 sub topics containing 3538 POSTS.
    Before you buy expnsive courses and other material, please get the basic ideas on the subject of your choosing.
    My two cents.
    sayana rolleyes

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