
Any good books out there on buying Foreclosure - Pre-Foreclosure homes, as well as Wholesaling and/or Rehab? I would like to preferably read one book on these topics, if anyone has any good names etc. I would appreciate it.


  • ready2go11th August, 2004

    Thanks for the help on this topic

  • rmdane200011th August, 2004

    no posted the first message three hours ago...its a message board, not a 24-hour no-wait customer service line...have alittle patience

  • ready2go11th August, 2004

    I was asking for information so I could learn - not a smart mouth comment. Also thanks for letting me know that this is not a 24 hour customer I didn't know that.
    Everyone else however that has answered my questions in the past I still apreciate your feedback

  • MaksimUSA11th August, 2004

    May I suggest "The Power of Patience" by M.J. Ryan?
    Sorry, couldn't help it smile

  • kenmax11th August, 2004

    you can find all these topics under "products & services" they have reviews of the products. it's a place to start. some of the books also come with one to one coaching......kenmax

  • Bruce12th August, 2004


    Here are two books to add to your list: "Grow Up and Act Like an Adult" by Bruce and "How Not to Piss Off the People Who Can Help You" by Bruce.

    I just logged on to Amazon to check the ordering status of those two books and if you act now you can get "Learn How to Cope when People Do Not Answer Your Questions Immediately" for free.

  • commercialking12th August, 2004

    Lighten up guys, Ready2 was just trying to make sure his post stays on the most active list to the left. Patience is indeed a virtue but a little good marketing along the way helps a lot too.

  • ready2go12th August, 2004

    What is your deal Bruce? I just want to learn. If you don't know just say you don't know. I thought this forum was suppose to be for people to learn not be an ass. I have already stated I was a beginner, and I have read stuff, and also was on a confrence call with Robert Allen. So I have some understanding but would like to learn more. I thought the motto was learn, learn learn, and keep learning.

    Sorry if I made anyone else mad that has helped me. I appreciate all that most of you do in here to help.

  • rmdane200012th August, 2004

    your second post right after the first is what bothers people especially the "thanks for the help." as though anybody is obligated to give you help. I've seen all of these guys help people out alot, but you have to be patient and polite.

    Just calm down alittle, maybe wait a day before reposting on your thread that nobody posted on...

  • miraclehomes12th August, 2004

    here is a big piece of advice. If you are truly " ready to go", and are wanting to do foreclosures, you would have already read the books that you needed to. So, what classifies you as being ready to go? Or are you "ready to learn?" In all actuality, you should be "ready to fail" because in this business, if you don't even have the initiative on your own to find a foreclosure book, then expect someone else to give you all of the answers, you might as well look for another business to get into.

  • jeff1200213th August, 2004

    Man, You folks are getting mean! It must be all this election rhetoric. Chill, people!

  • bnorton13th August, 2004

    Wow! This place is cold and brutal. Ready - Dwan Bent Twyford and Sharon Restrepo have a fantastic course on pre-foreclosure homes. Robyn Thompson is the queen of Rehab. I don't see her materials here, but you can go to to get them. For wholesaling, I like Vena Jones Cox. I don't see her stuff here either, but her website is There are plenty of other people and materials on this website that can help, I am just not familiar with them.

    Finally, you are about to start something you are really going to enjoy. Don't be self conscious about being a newbie. We were all newbies at one time. Also, don't worry about anyone who answers you with sarcasm. Answering their sarcasm only encourages more, and your whole thread ends up about the sarcasm, and you never get your questions answered.

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