Books, Home-study Courses, And Seminars

I’m interested in getting some opinions about the real estate business and the education behind it. Is it possible to get a good real estate education (prior to making deals) by reading books or is it necessary to take one of the seminars. I’m curious about this because I’ve done some reading recently (Legrand’s “How to be a Quick Turn Real Estate Millionaire” and Whitney’s “Millionaire Real Estate Mentor”) and the books seemed to be pushing their seminars. Legrand’s book particularly says on page 36 that if you attempt to do these deals from a book then a lot can go wrong. He also says several times that you must spend money on your education. I understand, that I need to spend money on education, but how much is the question.

So, my main question is whether or not these books are actually meant to educate or if they’re just marketing tools for seminars? They seem to have a lot of information in them and prior to purchasing, I was hoping that they would be the tools I would need to proceed with a REI career. Of course, I would supplement my reading with bird-dogging, joining a REI club and talking with experienced real estate investors, reading this forum, etc.

Any opinion would be greatly appreciated.



  • InActive_Account9th September, 2004


    Save yourself the money, and skip the mentoriing programs. This is actually a common questoin around this forum. The biggest problem newbies have (I include myself in this category) is *not* making mistakes, but just getting out there and pulling the trigger.

    These mentors are contract mentors. They don't necessarily know REI, but sell their mentoring. Their main strength is in helping you develop a business plan, which you can do for a great deal less.



  • dds19709th September, 2004

    Thanks for your reply, Robert.

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