Books And Software For Best Tax Saving Strategies

i know in the end the best strategy is off course an account and I intend on doing that but want to be as informed as possible. to that end, i've been told by a CPA that you can find ways save so much on taxes by using your business in corporations and LLC. for example I have an S corport but i am creating a LLC with a partner for flipping properties. I want my income to come from the llc but to flow thru my corport . I also talked with an attorney about it. I am really baffled as I have come to teh conclusion everyone has an opinion and it's not always the same. For example I am about to get a large windfall (> 75,000) but it's not from a real estate sale of property . I am like a passive invester and the end buyer will lease option within the year. I am dreading that I may have to pay 28% in taxes or perhaps figure out a way to avoid at leat that level of tax. I want the money to be wired to my corportation but i dont have much in teh way of investments yet. I was toying with having them to pay some of my debts direct but i was told taht wont work if the property company files either a 1099 or schedule K (land trust). anyway any suggestions for books and software or advice (even good CPA that are not exhobinant but still good at this sort is thing) is appreciated!


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