Blanket Post Cards Vs. Direct Mail Letters


I just looked at a website for mailing addresses.
$900 for a list of 10,000 names for a zip code thru a direct mail website. The list is for homeowners only.

How does this compare with blanketing the same area with post cards from the post office. I think I understand that the post office will blanket the area for a lot less money. The $900 is only for the list, not postage, envelopes etc...

The post cards will go out to everyone in the area, whether they own a house or not, right? and I would assume that a lot of post cards will get discarded immediately, so even thought the direct mailing list is more money is it a better marketing approach?


  • ColoradoInvestor1st November, 2004

    Hi Frebee,

    One suggestion is to get your mailing list for free. Ever wonder how Realtors get their mailing lists? Just like you can - look in Yellow Pages under Title Companies. Call and ask to speak to a title rep. Tell her you're a real estate investor and want to learn about their services. She'll probably invite you to a meeting.

    See if they have multiple offices around your area - you can use their office to sign papers with your sellers.

    Ask about Farm Packages. Tell her what the geographical area is that you'll work. It's a data base - Ask what "fields" you can include. For instance, people who have refi'd in past 3 years, people who have a second mortgage, people who have loans with subprime lenders (and have worse credit than most). There are all types of ways to construct. Get it on a CD in Excel format, with a master hard copy if possible. Get labels if you're ready for that. They'll ask if you have your postal codes yet - check with post office first so you can use cheaper postage. When you get the CD, you can select sub-lists from it by selecting different fields (such as going after people who have loans with a certain lender). The cost? for a huge list, it might set you back $50.

    But remember - you need to do business with that title company for your closings.

    Good luck!

  • InActive_Account2nd November, 2004

    You shouldn't be paying more than $90 for the list you are describing.

  • freebee3rd November, 2004

    $90 from an internet site, or from a title company?

  • kaspama6th November, 2004

    Hi, I'm new to RE investing but. If you were a RE agent you could get your addresses from MLS. Post cards and/or door hangers are more effective than letters. Post cards you mail and door hangers can be hand carried to each house and attached to the door knob. Be creative with your computer and brain storm an idea. Print up a few to a sheet of paper and then cut them up. Punch a hole at the to attach colored string and there you have it a door hanger. Save you money on postage, most people don't open the envelope and if they do it is in the trash after reading a few words.

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