
Submitted an offer to an executor of an estate, via a realtor. Realtor calls back, says laywer (executor) claims he's VERY busy, but he might look at offer if I increase it. Otherwise he can't look at it till Tuesday. Offer (3% less)submitted Friday with a 24 limit. Am I the only one that feels this is close to blackmailing?


  • linlin17th December, 2004

    How is that blackmail? The guy is saying "meet my price and I will make time to look at the offer, otherwise wait until I can be bothered" pretty clearcut and not blackmail. Now if he had said "increase the offer or I will tell your wife you had an affair with ---" then it would be blackmail

  • myfrogger17th December, 2004

    You can put in your offer that you want to be present when the offer is submitted. Realtors must do this by law and if give you trouble threaten to take them to the state licensing board.

  • rvrnorth17th December, 2004

    I used the word loosely. I just thought a counter would be good. Did you notice the 3%?

  • feltman17th December, 2004

    I normally will accept of decline an offer - however if i have a bird in the hand for a few days, i might start shaking the bush.

    Your writing in the 24 hour limit is a good idea and I'd stand by my offer if i were you - unless you want to offer more.

    I had a 3 BR home for sale about 8 years ago that I sold to a husband and wife. The house just so happened to be on the block that the wife grew up on and was as she told me her "dream" home. Since I knew they could afford the asking price; how much do you think i discounted the house? NOTHING!

    This is where the waiting game is played - if you keep chasing the house, you;'ll be used as bait; if no one else will beat your offer, then you might get the house.

  • rvrnorth18th December, 2004

    Good points. Some days your the bug, others, the windshield...

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