Would Like To Buy Houses But Cannot Find Good Contractors

I'd like to buy houses to rent and to fix up and sell, but I can't find any good contractors to work on the properties. I'm not receiving call backs, being stood up for appointments etc. Does anyone have some tips for locating dependable workers/contractors??? [ Edited by JNFW on Date 06/08/2004 ]


  • cjmazur8th June, 2004

    I have had that too.

    One you find one, hold on for deal life.

    Look in odd places (found mine in a penny saver), ask friends, neighbors and co-workers.

  • edmeyer8th June, 2004

    I have had pretty good luck with finding contractors in two different areas of the country. In both cases, they were referrals from other people that I work with. My real estate agent in one area recommended the contractor and he has been very good. I have also given him quite a bit of business. In the other case someone who finds properties for me had a cousin who had some remodeling work done and she saw the work and I interviewed him over the phone and hired him to do a rehab. Other than taking longer than he estimated, I have been pleased with his work. He also wants to become a property manager so I am having him manage the property he just fixed up. He is helping me find other properties through some of his real estate contacts. You can see the continuation --buy, rehab and manage...ad nauseum

    I hope this may be of some help. Regards,

  • TheNegotitators8th June, 2004

    Oh my God, you must live in the Chicago area!

    I'm sorry, I'm not being facetious, I know that happens in lots of places, but it just seems everyone I talk to around here has a horror story about absolutely anything they have had done to their home.

    It has actually made me really nervous about even taking the plunge into rehabbing. I want to...I know the potential for profits, pride and satisfaction are great...but I'm just freaked out about being taken advantage of.

    My only suggestion is to go with referrals. Friends--once in a blue moon someone may actually have a good experience with a contractor; your investor group--although they may not want you to steal away their crew!; sometimes even at church.

    Good luck. And if you are in the Chicago area and find someone reliable, please e-mail me their information! smile

  • JNFW12th June, 2004

    Thanks for the responses. I'm in the Cleveland, Ohio area and have tried asking friends and neighbors for referrals. The funny thing is that they usually do the work themselves or would not recommend contractors that they have used. :cry:

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